I am a sinner. My sin was that I loved my wife, I wanted my wife to die, I couldn’t let her go from me, I couldn’t live without her, I lived in her parent’s house, and that I let her fall into the cult because I was too busy with work. I had the realization that there was nothing but tragedy and sadness after love. I cannot stop trembling, thinking that my wife could not come to me again and it was useless waiting for her, and only the sadness that I could not endure rushes like a wave into my mind.
There were no response to what I was crying out, appealing, and praying to
the truth. It was the time that, a pain, like a sharpen knife came into my
heart, never disappearing but rather repeating over and over again. I had been
crazy and angry because of the Shinchonji cult. I was a mess that who others
around me could not recognize. There was even a time that I blamed God, who
created the universe and exists in our deep life, why HE could not protect my
family from Satan, which I thought was unfair. I poured out ill-speaking of
myself for my ruined life: I had nothing to lose, I was blind and deaf, my life
wasn’t normal, and I blamed myself for even inhaling oxygen in the air.
The indoctrination of the cult is ten times stronger than intoxication of any
other drug and or communist system. They can be controlled by law and there are
hospitals for drug abusers. But, there are no hospitals for those brainwashed by
the cult, rather Korean law protects the cult under the law of freedom of
religion. Shinchonji is not a religion, it destroys families. Attending the cult
results in members running away from home, dropping out of school, suing family
members, neglecting loved ones, giving up on their lives, and committing
How can Shinchonji claim that 144,000 members will allow the chief priest to
return, for new heaven to emerge in East Korea, for them to rule the world? The
promise of “new heaven and new earth will be accomplished in three years” has
existed for nearly 30 years.
I finally met Jesus Christ after anguish and sadness while I have been
standing at the end of my life. Now I am praying for forgiveness. I am a sinner.
I am still trying to get out of the remnants of the tragedy. I have been healing
through prayer, repentance and forgiveness based on the Word of God. Even in the
cold winter and in the hot summer of prison, I endure the punishment that I
I don’t think that I am old; I am not too week to heal. Even though I still
have the sad past in my mind, I don’t think it is God’s will that I remain
frustrated, clinging to the past. I will put hope and faith in God’s work
because I realized the truth.